When we all sat down at our computers ready to work, we were not sure that our project was going to work at all. We have always had mess-ups in the making and finishing of the domino project. However, we were unaware that it would be the last time we would have to work on it. Yes, that means we have finally succeeded in completing the tiresome job of building, rebuilding, permissioning, dropping, and recording.
Recording was the hardest thing. Machinama is tough to use, however we got the hang of it after a couple of tries and have taken a suitable recording of our dominos falling down...on the second try. The first try was a mess. We had a few problems. First, we didnt even have the dominos on the floor, then we could not put the ball on physical because the owner (Dre Masala) was disconnected because of some bad internet connections. Then, the last problem that we had to work on was to even get the ball through the hole!
All in all, it went well. We have finished our project and are glad to have worked on it because it has taught us alot. We hope you like it.
Shizzle Rau
Recording was the hardest thing. Machinama is tough to use, however we got the hang of it after a couple of tries and have taken a suitable recording of our dominos falling down...on the second try. The first try was a mess. We had a few problems. First, we didnt even have the dominos on the floor, then we could not put the ball on physical because the owner (Dre Masala) was disconnected because of some bad internet connections. Then, the last problem that we had to work on was to even get the ball through the hole!
All in all, it went well. We have finished our project and are glad to have worked on it because it has taught us alot. We hope you like it.
Shizzle Rau
Greetings to Dubai American Academy from Suffern Middle School! I have taken the liberty of adding a link to your blog on our own and thank you for including ours in your education link list! Please know that we are looking forward to the day that our fences are down and we can exchange our ideas and culture in world! Until then, my students will be directed to the blogs and encouraged to comment as I hope will yours! We are taking steps - some baby - some giant, and are happy to share the journey with you!
Peggy Sheehy
Chaser Brody on Ramapo Islands, TSL
Maggie Marat, SL
Machinama was pretty painful, in fact, it was the reason some of our computers crashed. I'm so glad we're finally done with the domino build!
Great post, Shizzle. Everyone hs done a fnatastic job collaborating on the domino build and the filming of it. All of you showed a lot of patience and dedication to getting the machinima footage. I agree that Camstudio seems a lot more efficient than SL's built-in video capture tool. Keep up the great work. Next step: the Prim Plan!
Funny how the hardest thing to wasn't making the entire thing but dropping the ball properly. Finally some1 just got tired of failed attempts to push the ball because it was too heavy and shot it with a shot gun!(that didn't work too well )
In the end though we were successfully able to make the domino set and film the process and topple the dominoes. It may have taken entirely too long to do this but in the process we at least learned a good bit about building.
Good work with the blog but i'd like to have seen the other two pictures as well. One in which the dominoes are going down and the other in which you see the image after all the dominoes have already fallen.
Machinima especially in this project, was a pain. But fortunatley we have conpleted our domino build on to bigger and better things!
It's a relief to finally get footage of this project. After numerous tries consisting of pyhsical and camera errors we have succeeded. However, the time spent on the failed attempts actually had a reward. We gained valuable experience in SL. For example, we learned how to hollow/light up/change transparency of an object. We also learned that CamStudio is much more effective than the in-built recording system.
Congratulations! Well done!
Hey that class was probably one of the most exhilerating classes! It was really cool because itwas our first time actually succeeding in the domino affect! Yet Macinima created a few problems for us regaurding computers, we were still able to prevail!
Good Work!
Dre Masala
How do you make all those dominos stand up and put all those things into that DAA blog? It looks so real! It must be so much fun to make that picture!
I think the project is very cool and it was a good idea to think of doing the dominos. Why did you think of doing this? Who thought of doing this project? Was anything else hard except the filming?
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