Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Another Interesting Article

Actually, its more of a picture gallery than an article, but does showcase yet another way in which Second Life proves its potential to be more powerful than just 2D pictures.

"On Thursday, the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration launched an immersive, interactive 3D presence in the virtual world Second Life.

The site, created by NOAA's Earth Research Lab, gives Second Life users the opportunity to walk through a series of interactive exhibits, showing, for example, the effects of global warming on large glaciers; what it's like to fly in a NOAA plane or weather balloon into, through or around a hurricane; and what undersea caves and marine life look like from a submarine."

Here's the link

Thursday, May 17, 2007


Hey, Greg Mathy here and I'm sure many of you have been wondering what's going on. The island has been acquired and is quite spacious (Asif will post about it later on).

As for the villa build, it looks pretty promising right now, though it doesn't follow the schematics laid out for it. Nonetheless, it looks pretty good and not bad for our first build.

Pictures and Videos soon to come!